Friday, 26 August 2011

Royal Overseas League Article.

For the past couple of years I have been a member of the Royal Overseas League. They were kind enough to write an article in their magazine (Sept-Dec issue) about my £10 a week challenge, which I received in the post yesterday. It was a great article, unfortunately they got a couple of important things wrong though...the title they put was '£10-a-day charity challenge' £10 a day - I wish haha! If you are here and reading this because the that article sent you here, then it was £10 A WEEK...not a day. It also says in there that I live with my parents...this is also wrong. I DO NOT live with my parents. I live with some friends in a house in London near our University, which we rent ourselves.
I do feel that these two vital bits of information are mis-leading....anyone can live off £10 a day, and if I lived with my parents surely I could have eaten their food?
But no, it was £10 a week (£1.50 a day), and I lived in my own rented I had to buy all my food etc myself, and pay for it all myself with that £10 a week budget.
If you are here from that article, please take the time to read through my blog which will explain everything to you, and if you would like to donate you can do so by clicking on the 'Just Giving' widgets on the right hand side of this post ---------->

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